Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who is Wilson Lim?

The purpose of this blog is not to sell myself but to encourage individuals to realise for themselves that within them is a seed waiting for the right conditions to sprout and actualize into growing for the sake of all around him or her. Ego has no place in this - in fact it is precisely to dissolve the ego that has prompted me to this exercise.

I was born is a truly competitive environment in Malaysia. Like all good parents in Asia, my folks meant me well when i was young. Being the eldest i was constantly encouraged to do my best ... especially in my studies ... You know the story. My parents love me all too dearly and i will never begrudge them for how i felt.
I only put the stress on myself to do well in my studies when i came to Australia, Melbourne to do my VCE. In short, i knew the ugly side of "Compulsive Obsessive Behaviour". Locking myself up to do tremendously long hours of studies so i can do well.

I did do well. Well enough to be accepted. In time, i found out that i was not the "office" type and relate better to people as in a hospitality environment. Anyway, i was also brought up in a Christian environment in my teenage years in Malaysia.

That helped me on the track as far as ideals and morality are concerned. Through a series of breakdown and near insanity encounters, i explored the realm of "self-help" - devouring books, audio books and whatever i  can fish out the library.

People who truly helped me were the ones who did not condemn me and gently guided me into an inward journey. The journey, first of self reflection and then self meditation ... To name a few of recent times: ... Andrew Cohen, Tara Brachs, Gil Fronsdal, Dr Wayne Dyer, Osho, Sri Nisargadatta, Ramana Maharaj, Tony Robbins, Ajahn Brahm, Jesus, Buddha, Patanjali, Paramhansa Yogananda, Eric Harrison, Albert Eistein, Caroline Myss, Neal Donald Walsh, Elizabeth Lesser, Louise Hay, Oprah Winfrey ... actually the list goes on and on ... forgive me if you do not get a mention here for i'm sure in one way or another you have helped or pointed to the right direction.

Nevermind the history. Echart Tolle, bless his soul through his 2 books truly woke me up. All i'm interested these days are .... "How can i serve in the present moment?" The philosophies, beliefs, doctrines ... etc really give me a headache. Hence the beauty of "no mind". Hence the beauty of no thoughts through active meditation ie taking that state of meditation [non-judgemental, non-thinkingness] into my daily activities. Watching, witness myself every moment of my life, in work... in rest... in play.

Non-understanding is fantastic. The unknowable is truly a marvel. Befriend the unknowable, befriend good and evil and you will realise that all is one. Just as we are all mirrors and extensions of each other. Martial arts served its purpose in my journey. However there really is nothing to defend. The universe truly is a friendly place. All hostilities are merely energies waiting to be transformed to higher frequencies. The more useful and effective frequencies of these energies are of course compassion, equanimity and the bliss of being in the now.

Every bad, hurtful and "evil" situation or person are teachers, guides. If we don't see them as they truly are then we will experience the same thing, again and again as in a loop. Suicide is a great option out. In fact spiritual suicide where the individual faces his/her own darkest night and rebirth consciously. Then the metamorphosis begins. Then you join the collective evolution of consciousness since beginningless time. 

We are all evolving. Evolution is great. Be it physical, consciously or spiritually. What's the worst thing that can happen? You get recycled. You might not know it. But even knowing is not necessary. Mind itself is the biggest hindrance. In fact the eternity is right now. Give it your totality, moment to moment. No need for past or future. Just be yourself, mindful, alert, awake and conscious.

Then you co-create with existence and life. The poets and the mystics have got it right. Those airy fairy stuff are not to be mocked. It might not resonate with you right now but given time (and life times - chuckle) you will smile and laugh in understanding and agreement with them! 

It 's never about any conflict or confusion. It is harmony, inner and outer self. Seamless integration with all beings and non-beings. Then you will experience the life force arising from your pits, overflowing, affecting people around you with joy, laughter, bliss and presence.


  1. Beautifully said Wilson:) I really enjoyed reading it. You have many of the same teachers as I have. We are all teachers and students to one another. Nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more of your writing, coming from an inner knowing.

  2. Thanks sis Pam, ... we are servants of each other. The level of blessings we receive is directly dependent upon how unconditional our service n kindness are to others.

    We are all equal. Equal to God too as she intended.
